Ethyl acetate is used as an extracting agent, for example for the decaffeination of coffee beans or for the production of natural aromas for the flavoring of sodas, sweets and medicines. In adhesives it is one of the most frequently used solvents. Butyl acetate is a widely used paint solvent. Pentyl acetate belongs to acetic acid pentyl esters which are used as solvents for paints and resins, in chromatography and as aromas (pear ethers) in the food and perfume industries.
1. Ethyl acetate; 2. Butyl acetate; 3. Pentyl acetate
Method | HPLC |
Mode | RP |
Substances | Ethyl acetate, Butyl acetate, Pentyl acetate |
Key words | Alkyl acetates, preparative HPLC, overload, gradient, Eurospher II C18, UV detection |
CAS number | 141-78-6, 123-86-4, 628-63-7 |
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