Fraction Collectors
Reliable Collection of your Targets – no matter how many there are or how large the volume is

Mode of Collection
Standalone, Software or analog controlled
Fraction Volume
Collect small [µl] to large volumes [l]
Up to 525 Fractions
in Bottles, Tubes, Plates
Wide Flow Rate Range
Handle Drops and Flow Rates up to 1000 ml/min
0–40 °C
Operate in cold room
Collection Modes
Time-, Volume-, Drop or Threshold-based Fraction Collection
Biocompatible wetted materials
We offer a variety of reliable sample collection options to suit your needs
KNAUER offers different models for fraction collection. Whether you are doing research and development or production, there is an appropriate solution that suits your application. A large variety of racks and other accessories are also available.
Please let us know how we can help.