29.07.2020 | 10:00 - 14:00 | KNAUER online

Training at the KNAUER Academy

The KNAUER Academy's Doors are open once again!

The KNAUER Academy is pleased to once again welcome visitors to our headquarters. In  November we will be offering the following courses in German (English courses are available upon request).

10.11 - HPLC Basics (1 day) 

Practical work in small groups on compact HPLC systems from installation to system performance verification.

11.11 - HPLC Troubleshooting (1 day)

Participants gain theoretical as well as practical knowledge in troubleshooting detectors, pumps, autosamplers and columns.

12.11 - HPLC Method Development (1 day)

Learn HPLC method development from the beginning and become a HPLC method development pro with our training.

15.11 - ClarityChrom Software Training (2 days) 

Deepen your knowledge about ClarityChrom and improve your analyses through better software skills.

17.11 - FPLC Basics & Troubleshooting (1 day) 

Learn protein purification from the beginning and become a FPLC pro with our training.

18. 11 PurityChrom Software Training (1 day) 

Step by step explanation of the software and all components including advanced functions. 

More information on each specific course can be found here 



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Location / How to take part

KNAUER online

Your web-enabled PC or mobile device.
To take part, you will need an up-to-date web browser.
A decent web connection is required.
Using a headset is recommended.

Questions regarding our events?

Don't hesitate. We are happy to help you.

+49 30 809727-0

Mo – Fr
07:00 – 17:00 CE(S)T


24 / 7

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