03.06.2019 | KNAUER NEWS

Berlin-based laboratory equipment manufacturer KNAUER has big plans during the Sustainability Week

The European Sustainability Week is a Europe-wide initiative that aims to trigger activities, projects and events that contribute to sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This year's activities range from May 30 to June 10 at the latest.

KNAUER Wissenschaftliche Geräte GmbH is taking part for the first time. As a medium-sized family business with 140 employees, it takes on responsibility and would like to encourage other companies to participate. KNAUER starts a whole series of actions:

Monday: All staff will be informed during a so-called “value-added breakfast”, which is a lecture being held during the breakfast break.

Tuesday: Emitting less CO2 on your way to work
Inauguration of our new additional roofed bike parking lot, free bike check for all bikes, reward for any employee who comes by foot, by public transport, by bike or by carpooling. Idea: leave the car at home, try new ways.

Wednesday: Introducing a second-hand exchange room
Our "chamber of dreams" from employees to employees is opened. Useful objects that are in good condition can be passed on; people can browse and take something they like free of charge. Idea: Not everything that gives pleasure must be brand new.  

Wednesdays: Colorful salad day for the next 10 weeks
About 30 employees will meet again in our large kitchen area "Milkyway" for snipping salads and other ingredients and preparing delicious dressings together. KNAUER provides the ingredients, everyone eats as much as they like (cost sharing 1 EUR each).  Idea: eat healthy together; organic food and no meat.

Thursday: Visit wild bees and honeybees in the KNAUER ecological garden
We provide insect hotels for the wild bees in the large company garden and are now again hosting a honeybee colony, which is cared for by a beekeeper. Idea: Living promotion of insect diversity.

Friday: “Fridays for Future” and “Scientists for Future” respectively
That Friday, ten employees from different departments can take part in the climate strike in Berlin at 12 noon. They will be credited with two working hours. Idea: We want to set an example for the climate.

Start of paperless invoice processing
This week we are ending our test phase, during which a lot of paper was still being used for backup reasons. From now on we will not need paper for processing electronic invoices. Idea: Saving plenty of paper.

KNAUER will celebrate its 57th birthday in October. Managing Director Alexandra Knauer and her staff are keen to ensure that the world will continue to be a diverse and liveable place in the future. Reliability, stability, respect and quality are part of our values. These values are the foundation of our thinking and acting. With motivated employees living curiosity and creativity, we evaluate opportunities and risks in order to make good decisions. Our social responsibility is reflected in our extensive annual CSR activities (corporate social responsibility).

In addition to our Sustainability Week activities, KNAUER has already established various sustainable guidelines and processes. For many years, we have been purchasing 100 % green electricity, and also have our own solar power plant on our roof. KNAUER's fleet of company cars is small, because only those who need to visit customers have a company car at their disposal. The travel to Analytica trade fair next year will be airplane-free.  KNAUER travel and event management is an integral part of our company policy from an ecological, economic and social point of view. Strict guidelines for the development of new products according to ecological criteria such as low solvent consumption, repair capability and product longevity are established.


If you are looking for a company portrait of a Berlin based company with heart, mind and a sense for sustainability, then please contact us:

Daniela Fehr, fehr@knauer.net, +49 30 809727-210

KNAUER Wissenschaftliche Geräte GmbH, Hegauer Weg 38, 14163 Berlin
+49 30 809 727-0, info@knauer.net, www.knauer.net

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