Simplified scale up for sugars with the AZURA RID 2.1L extended dynamic range option

Applikationsnr.: VSP0013

Simplified scale up for sugars with the AZURA RID 2.1L extended dynamic range option

The extended dynamic range (EDR) option for the AZURA RID 2.1L refractive index detector was investigated with a simple sample consisting of two common sugars. Calibration curves covering the range 700 μRIU to 2300 μRIU were generated with activated and deactivated EDR. A gain of about 65 % in dynamic range could be demonstrated over this range.

Technische Daten


Methode HPLC


Modus RP
Substanzen Glucose, saccharose
Schlüsselwörter Sugar, glucose, saccharose, scale up, RID 2.1L, extended range, extended dynamic range, semi-preparative, preparative
CAS Nummer 58367-01-4, 57-50-1

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