Amino acids are highly active compounds present for example in food and beverages affecting the quality of foodstuffs (taste, aroma and color). There is a continued interest in the development of a reliable, rapid and accurate method for the determination of food quality in regulatory purposes.
1 Asp; 2 Glu; 3 Ser; 4 Gly; 5 ? (Derivatization); 6 Lys; 7 His; 8 Thr; 9 Arg; 10 Ala; 11 Pro; 12 CysCys; 13 Tyr; 14 Val; 15 Met; 16 Ile; 17 Leu; 18 Lys Peak 2; 19 Phe
Methode | HPLC |
Modus | RP |
Substanzen | Alanine, Arginine, Aspartic acid, Cysteine, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Proline, Serine, Threonine, Tyrosine, Valine |
Schlüsselwörter | Amino acids, AQC, precolumn derivatization, food, beverages |
CAS Nummer | 302-72-7, 74-79-3, 617-45-8, 3374-22-9, 617-65-2, 56-40-6, 998-57-6, 443-79-8, 328-39-2, 70-54-2, 59-51-8, 150-30-1, 609-36-9, 302-84-1, 80-68-2, 556-40-6, 516-06-3 |
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