Is it possible to calculate %RSD of an Amount in ClarityChrom without SST?

Yes, it is possible to calculate %RSD in Summary table without a SST license. ClarityChrom includes the cool feature of "User Columns", which allows a wide variety of calculations, based on the results in the chromatograms.

1. Overlay all chromatograms in the chromatogram window, which should be included in the calculation.

2. Make sure all chromatograms have been analyzed. Only identified (calibrated) peaks will be used for calculation.

3. Select the "Summary" tab.

4. Right mouse click into the table and select "Setup Columns...".

5. Select the tab Summary and in section User Columns press the button <Add...>.

6. Sections with operators, functions, columns and variables are available. If you would like to calculate %RSD of the Amounts, enable in the Columns section "Amount", then the "Special Values" menu becomes active. Of course, also any other column, as Retention Time or Area, can be selected.

Enter the desired formula, e.g. ([Amount]sd/[Amount]avg)*100 . It will be shown in "Expression".

7. Enter a title and click <OK> to close the setup window

8. The new column is shown in the section "Show Column". Click <OK> to finish the setup.

9. The new column with the calculated result is shown. The calculation is done for the whole column that means for all chromatograms; in every line the same value is shown.


Finally, it feels like a workaround. To use the SST extension for this job is easier to set. Additionally, the SST result allows setting limits, shows the value range and show "pass" or "failed" according to the set limits.

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