Rosmarinic acid is a natural product widely spread over different plant families. Preparative reversed-phase chromatography was used for the mass-directed purification of rosmarinic acid from a lemon balm extract. The AZURA® Prep System together with the 4000 MiD mass spectrometer was showed to be well suited for this application.
Analytical chromatogram of the crude lemon balm extract at 280 nm; gradient separation 20 %-100 % acetonitrile, *rosmarinic acid peak
SIM (single ion monitoring) chromatogram of a purification run for the target mass of m/z 359.2
UV-Chromatogram of a purification run for the crude lemon balm extract at 280 nm, *rosmarinic acid peak
Analytical chromatogram of the fraction containing rosmarinic acid at 280 nm, isocratic separation 50/50 water/acetonitrile
Methode | LC-MS |
Modus | RP |
Substanzen | Rosmarinic Acid, lemon balm extract |
Schlüsselwörter | mass-directed purification, rosmarinic acid, AZURA® analytical system, AZURA® prep. system, 4000 MiD mass spectrometer |
CAS Nummer | 20283-92-5 |
This application note demonstrates the benefits of mass-directed purification of a plant extract. The specificity of the mass-sprectrometer allows for more confidence in peak purity and more exact fractionation than possible with other detection methods, saving time for after-run analysis and pooling of fractions.
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