Automated two-step purification of 6xHis-tagged GFP with AZURA Bio LC

Applikationsnr.: VBS0067

Automated two-step purification of 6xHis-tagged GFP with AZURA Bio LC

Affinity chromatography by His-Tag is one of the most widespread purification techniques for recombinant proteins. In many cases it requires an additional cleaning/polishing step. This application highlights the possibility of combining two subsequent chromatography protocols without manual interaction using the AZURA Bio LC system.

Technische Daten


Methode FPLC


Modus SEC
Substanzen Green fluorescence protein (GFP) with 6xHis - Tag
Schlüsselwörter GFP, His-Tag, IMAC, FPLC, affinity, SEC, buffer exchange
CAS Nummer -

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