AZURA® Bio Lab Advanced FPLC System
Gradient-capable FPLC system for a wide range of purifications including automated two-step applications

50 ml/min
Suitable for Ion-exchange, HILIC, affinity, SEC and RP
Injection of samples with loop and/or sample pump
Automate challenging protein purification tasks
Detect proteins, DNA/RNA and peptides with the highly sensitive multi wavelength detector
Intuitive and powerful 21 CFR Part 11 compliant software
Reliable fraction collection of large volumes or numerous fractions
Conductivity and pH-monitoring, pressure and air sensors (optional)
Choose between up to 7 columns for method development – all FPLC columns supported
Protein purification generally involves two to three key steps: 1: capture stage, 2: optional intermediate stage and 3: polishing stage. The shift from one step to the next usually necessitates manual intervention, which can be quite time-consuming. By automating the combination of these steps, the overall efficiency is enhanced, resulting in an optimized workflow. View our brochure
Two-step purification
Special multi-column chromatography solutions
Designed and optimized for all FPLC applications such as affinity, ion exchange, hydrophobic interaction and size exclusion chromatography. In addition, you can perform dedicated twoSTEP applications.