The flexible protein purification platform

FPLC systems that match your purification task!

Complete solutions for FPLC (Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography) on a small footprint: AZURA® FPLC systems combine flexibility and reliability. The AZURA® FPLC is the perfect choice for your protein purification task. 

Design your AZURA Bio purification system to your needs. Multiple functionalities such as automatic sample injection via autosampler, column switching, buffer and sample selection as well as fraction collection enable the user to automate the purification process.
A range of different detectors let you keep track of your target molecules. A wide flow rate range and compatibility with columns from all vendors offer maximum flexibility. The intuitive software PurityChrom® combines all the advantages of a versatile purification software.

Configure your perfect FPLC system

From simple to complex, from Lab to Pilot scale: Design your AZURA® FPLC system according to your purification task!

Because of their modularity, AZURA® Bio Lab devices can be flexibly arranged with each other to a bio purification system that matches your requirements. Accordingly, AZURA® offers a solution even for complex purification tasks like for example a 3-step purification process including the steps:
1. Simultaneous capture step of up to 5 samples to shorten the time for sample loading
2. Sequential intermediate or desalting step via a second column
3. Sequential polishing or desalting step via a third column inlcuding fraction collection
All of these steps can be perfectly managed by the FPLC software PurityChrom 6 including data signal triggered fractionation.

AZURA® Bio Lab allows you to create FPLC systems with highest independence. Just pick your modules and create the system yourself. 

You choose the method-
We have the Bio purification system for you

FPLC Modules for your Lab system at one glance

FPLC Columns - Made in Germany

Discover the our FPLC columns based on Agarose and Dextran. KNAUER offers prepacked FPLC columns and resins for all common FPLC applications: Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC), Affinity Chromatography (AC) and Ion-Exchange Chromatography (IEX)

FPLC Software PurityChrom®

The PurityChrom® is a powerful software to control your FPLC system. Get familiar with PurityChrom® in shortest time and with no effort due to the intuitive and clearly structured user interface. Choose a time- or volume based workflow by just clicking one button. Create methods with highest flexibility to realize complex application without losing easy handling. Offline licenses for creating methods and data evaluation are for free.

FPLC Accessories and Spare Parts

Sometimes it is the little things that produce the big results. In addition to systems and devices, KNAUER offers a wide range of Accessories and Supplies. These parts are compatible with all commonly used HPLC or FPLC systems, columns, pumps, as well as detectors and were designed to simplify everyday laboratory life.

Accessory Features Benefit
• Contains two pressure sensors
• Automatic determination of pressure difference with PurityChrom® software
• Connect 1/16” or 1/8” tubings
• Up to 250 ml/min and 60 bar
Monitor pressure over the column bed and protect column from damage
Air Sensor • Detect end of buffer or end of sample with PurityChrom® software
• Up to four or twelve air sensors per system via gameport adapter or event box
• For transparent tubings with 1/16” or 1/8” or 1/4” outer diameter
Protect column from air damage and support automation ( e.g. sample injection)
• Attach air sensor, pressure control, AZURA Organizer or your interface box to the side panel of your AZURA L device Organize your system
• Attach columns from 5 mm to 26 mm diameter, falcon tubes, a back pressure regulator or a pH flow cell Organize accessories directly at the system and reduce dead volume
Back pressure regulator (BPR) • Apply a constant back pressure to your system
• Freely adjustable between 1-20 bar or 20-103 bar
Prevent formation of air bubbles after the column which disturb detector signal

AZURA® Bio purification (FPLC)

The complete brochure gives you an excellent overview of protein purification with the flexible AZURA Bio FPLC systems. Get to know the components of these FPLC systems and the different possibilities in detail.
We have designed our systems to meet your purification challenges!

Do you need more details or a quote?

Call us or drop us a line.

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